Well, today was the day the bathroom decided to fight back...I was in there planning my next point of attack when the 'drip' turned into an all out Gyser! Yep, that's right, I've got the bathroom version of Old Faithful...I've definitly got to do something about this. As you can see from the picture, I was just about ready to re-install the vanity and sinks (as the leaky faucet has been fixed) when it blew for the first time. Needless to say, I was shocked. (Unfortunately, this also warrants a score update: Bathroom 3, me 1). The good news is that it died down after about 10 minutes once we ran out of hot water. Once this happened, I plugged up the pipe with one of Mary's tampons...seems to have done the trick for the moment. (Bathroom 3, me 2). Although I have to give Mary an assist on that one, I'd never have had the proper equipment without her.

On a positive note, as you can see, the toilet is still in working order. This is definitely a good thing, as I realize (as much as I hate to admit it) that I might need some help with this bathroom leak problem. On a side note: I REALLY need to get that fart fan fixed as soon as possible. Pause for an important notice:
Diehard DIYer Essential Skill:
It is always ok to seek assistance with a project, but NEVER, and I mean NEVER seek out assistance before you have exhausted all power tool options.
So after pondering things over for a few minutes, I remember a fortune cookie that I got recently..."Your present plans are going to succeed within the year." Good news, Confusious say's I'll be done with fixing the leak in about 3 months. At least now I know my timeframe.
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